Learn more about our microsuction 

Have you been experiencing pain or discomfort in your ears? Maybe you’ve noticed your hearing is slightly muffled? Perhaps you feel as though there is a blockage of ear wax?

Rather than poke at it and make the problem worse, you can find relief in our ear wax microsuction in Northampton

Although the normal production of ear wax acts as our bodies’ natural defence against microbes invading our ears, wax accumulation can cause discomfort and hearing loss. While many people use ear drops or cotton buds, these will simply aggravate the situation, therefore choosing for ear wax microsuction can provide a safe technique to remove the wax.

When you visit our clinic, our practitioner will use a microscope to gain a clear picture of the ear canal before gently removing the wax with a suction tip. After the treatment, you’ll hopefully find that your ear feels more comfortable and your hearing may improve as well. 

You can make an appointment to come to our clinic, or we can come to you if you are bedridden or housebound and live within a 10-mile radius.

To book your appointment with us, follow the steps on our website or call us on 07840 042456.